There is a number of handy references in Complexity: 5 Questions that I want to pursue at some point.
The first came from W. Brian Arthur, who recommends the paper "Evolutionary Phenomena in Simple Dynamics" by Kristian Lindgreen. He describes it a model of an iterated prisoners' dilemma game in which there are no equilibria (thus constant fluctuation) but apparently some sort of evolutionary adaption.
That sounds relevant. It should go on the reading list along with Rubinstein's paper on bargaining and perhaps the paper "On the Evolutionary Dynamics of Meaning/Word Associations" from Game Theory and Pragmatics (2005). The latter one is probably very relevant to the critique I have of Franke.
Speaking of evolutionary dynamics of word/meaning associations, I should look up some of the works of Luc Steels on this topic. I remember him during his ESSLLI lecture last year referring to some "mathematical proofs" of the equilibrium dynamics of the simulations they do of language at the AI lab in Bruxelles.
Also, several authors mentioned P. W. Anderson's 4-page paper "More is Different" (1972) as an important work. That might be two hours well spent sometime.
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